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Auscoast Fire LYNK Lighting 

Smart Wireless solution for all your lighting needs

Emergency and exit lighting is a key resource for people to safely evacuate the building during a power outage or a fire. Emergency and exit lights are always battery-powered to ensure that they will function regardless of the emergency situation. It is vital to test emergency lighting on a regular basis to ensure that they are completely functional so that you are not left in the dark in the event of an emergency.

Why are Emergency lights so important?

Seconds count in a fire or other emergency. It is much easier to become confused in a smoke-filled or darker area than you might think. With correct ELL ( Emergency Lighting) your staff and you will be able to rapidly get to safety if you have properly positioned and maintained your emergency and exit lighting.


Being up to standard also includes having a proper emergency and exit lighting distribution and fittings. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration mandates two emergency exit routes, both of which must be clearly marked with emergency and exit illumination. 


Real time geo-spatial lighting analytics and control

Make sure your devices are performing at their best and understand about lamp and battery life, in one central location of truth.


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